A millenial mommy - trying to share her brand new life through blogging

by - February 23, 2018

Please join us in our days full of misadventures, and the everyday life of a Stay at home Mom. Lia Blossom. A twenty one year old parent of an energetic, joyous toddler named Liam. Husband to a call center agent/gamer/NBA fan, Krishna James. Living in the Philippines, the super momma enjoys cooking, writing, watching food reviews, listening to modern music and the likes. For the family, weekends are for eating out & wandering to budget + family friendly places. This is what the blog would mostly be about. Food, travel and family musings.

Let me share to you more about our story. I gave birth at nineteen, "too young" as they always say. But for my experience - after going through sleepless nights and messed up minds parenting has caused me; I have proven myself already. No one is too young or too old for this role. Taking care of your little one doesn't require a certain age or amount of money. There are only two things that you need: Love and God's guidance.

No one ever taught me how to change a nappy, or the proper way to breastfeed and anything about a perfect latch. I only have my husband, sometimes when he's on a day off. We were clueless, and shocked at the same time with how vast this responsibility covers up. Our minds filled with stress and fear - the fear of becoming the people we don't want us to be. Terror, grumpy parents. As we always say, all we had was our love for the three of us. 

Every night, we prayed to God for the strength & everything needed to be the best parents for Liam, and for ourselves. By His grace, we made it through the hardships of life. It was a rough road, indeed. But because of everything we've been through, we have established a strong heart and soul. We're not afraid to do wrong; but now courageous enough to stand up again; no matter what storm lies ahead. As long as we have each other's backs, that's all we will ever need.

This blog was purposely made - to become my safe haven & to also share this haven to struggling first time moms; or no matter how many kids you have. We all share the same emotions - love and happiness, towards our kids. No matter what race, color or age. You'll always be welcome here!

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  1. Aw, I love it!

    "There are only two things that you need: Love and God's guidance."

    Well said momma!

    1. Thank you so much! It was one amazing adventure! 😍

  2. Nobody tells you the reality of just how hard parenting is amd it is definitely a learn as you go. It sounds like you and your husband are great parents!!!

    1. Thank you dear, same as you. We're all wonderful parents 💓

  3. I always say motherhood and parenting is one of the most challenging things I’ve done but also the most rewarding! There is no handbook, it’s a learn as you go type of thing. It sounds like you and your husband are a great team!

    1. This is definitely true. Parental instincts only 😍

  4. I’m in the same position you were in! I was 20 years old when I got pregnant. Paid no attention to kids when I was growing up and had to figure everything out on my own. And I love it!! Wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!

    1. That's true! It was a one of a kind experience! <3

  5. This sounds like a very thoughtful blog. I have two litake boys so I know how challenging, frustrating, and downright amazing parenting can be! Thank you for creating this safe haven for other moms!

  6. Welcome to the blogging world, mama! I’m so excited to see your future posts. Your family looks darling!
